Los Weekly Awesomeness Reportados!

Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 24. Nov 2014

Hola good people of the internet! It's that time of the week yet again, time for the Weekly Awesomeness Report!


Stuff we've done this week:

Daniel "Dannyboy" and Maya "Monroe" went to the city hall to recieve their craft certificates! Maya finished her apprenticeship in July, and Daniel in September.

Closeup of Maya's 'do:

We can help you with those seasonal updos, you know who to call!


We are stepping up our barbering game, here is Nina "Sheriff" and Daniel "Dannyboy" doing their thang.


Maya "Monroe" Did some great hair again, this week on Oslo Nights- and Independent Photographer Nina, nicely performed, huh?!

Maya also had time to give Vegar "The Chip" a beard makeover! Handsome!




As saturday came, we had our first xmas party!

Food, drinks, party games and good times!

...and the obligatory herring fight!

'Twas it for this night folks! Stay tuned for next week's Weekly Awesomeness Report!


Pic of the week:

Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness on our
INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!


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