All work, No play!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 1. Des 2016
Hey Ya'll!
Did you guys know that we here at the Kutt salon will be busy everyday untill Christmas? Yes, I said it: EveryDay!, even on sundays!
So come on in and get that Chrismas look and get that hair "Lit"! ;)
Check out what day we have open and when under the pic.
From the 12th of Desember: Monday - Friday from 10 - 21(9-19)
But if you want earlier apointment just call us and we will get you something between 8 - 10 aswell!
15th of Desember will be rocking until the late hours(10-22)!
Sunday 4. 11. and 18. from 14 - 19.
...and we haven't forgotten that there are still some guys left at the nick of time, and for you we are open on the 24th. (9-13)
Don´t forget to swing by on New Years eve to ¨Lit your hair¨! (9-16)
Call us and book that appointment then !
To book your appointment online, press HERE, or give us a call on 67206636.
//The Kid\\
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Special Earlybird offer!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 13. Okt 2016
Book your early appointment on weekdays (08.00 – 10.00)
Get your complementary scull-massage
with treatment (chicks) or scalp pealing (Gents).
Shaves and beard-trims will be on offer at 50%.
Express highlights (20 foils top and front 1000,-)
Will be performed with enthusiasm.
Popcorn and strong coffee included.
To book your appointment online, press HERE, or give us a call on 67206636.
This offer applies troughout November!
//The Chip//
Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our
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Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 28. Sep 2016
This is Burlesque!
Burlesque is a literary, dramatic or musical work intended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of serious works, or by ludicrous treatment of their subjects.
It's also beautiful and elegant.
We cant get enough of this, so mutch beauty and class!
Show me how you Burlesque!
*Juicy Lucy*
All the little things we do!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 22. Sep 2016
Keep it simple they say. It doesn`t get mutch simpler than this.
The difference is that we se the back of your head, and your neck.
You don`t...
Makes you look a little less gray. Its temporarly. No one will notice it`s fake
Beard trim and Hot-towel shave.
Pamper yourself without compromizing your manliness.
Perm and Anti-Frizz.
Everyone want's what they dont have. Curl it up or Strighten it out.
Tint and shape your brows.
Wether they are to bushy or to skinny we can fix them.
Do you want longer, thicker hair without having to wait?
Fake it!!! We glue on real human hair.
Being the center of attention on that special occation takes some effort.
We`ll help you make it look effortless.
//The Chip//
For booking call: 67206636 or Clikk here.
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Comic Relief!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 7. Sep 2016
Hey ya'll !
Are you having a hard day at work? Well, then think of your barber and take a trip down here to loosen up your mood!
What's a barber if uhe can't mak you laugh?
So here's some funny cartoons to lighten up your day :D
To all those get's with tough hair to cut, your barber will manage almost anything!
Mohawk doesn't fit for every one!
Almost every guy can relate to this... mutton chops thanks !
The proper way to give a head massage :D
Ladies, babers aren't just for guys.
Cat barbers don't even need siccors.
Again, your baber will fix almost everything!
I guess even super heros have some creativity.
Super-fade VS. Beardman.
// The Kid \\
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Marilyn Manson
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 22. Aug 2016
Let's just take a moment to appreciate Marilyn Mansons iconic, freaky and unique style!
//Girrly Sue//
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Cool Football players hairstyles from 2016!!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 21. Jul 2016
Football blayers tend to have quite nice hairlooks that many times have become famous trends both for the young and the grown up fans!!
-In this blog I am pressenting some interesting haicuts that footdall players had already had during 2016-
-Neymar Jr.-
-Cristiano Ronaldo-
-Arturo Vidal-
-Kun Aguero-
-Paul Pogba-
Iconic Hairstyles
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 19. Jul 2016
The 20s updo
The 50s pin up
The 60s messy but glammy and sharp look
The 80s glam
The 90s
//Girrly Sue//
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INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!
1 Comment
Beach hair
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 12. Jul 2016
Make your hair cool and amazing, even when you're super chill and relaxed. You can have an random updo, natural wawes or have abaut a braid?
It's super easy.
Remember to use a good saltwater spray or gel to get the right look.
We love the Wild Stylers, from Loreal proffesional!
''Juicy Lucy''
Porcelain Black
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 28. Apr 2016
Porcelain Black aka. Alaina Marie Beaton, must probably be one of the coolest woman that I know of, and one of my style icons.
Sass, confidence, attitude, naughty and bold.
She's not afraid to take fashion risks, or speak her mind.
//Girrly Sue//
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INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!
Remember the 90's ?
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 27. Apr 2016
We're taking you back to the 90's!
When we cared a little less, loved a little more and used our imagination frequently like when we were kids. When a phone was just a phone and color was something we played around with.
See if you can remeber some of this!
''Juicy Lucy''
KUTT Fornebu
Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our
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Unleash your hidden confidence with our top 10 cool Gents' cuts!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 13. Apr 2016
Unleash your hidden confidence with our top 10 cool gents cuts!
1.High Fade + Hair Blown Back Dry
Keep your rock personality alive and in, no matter what age you really are!
2.Skin Fade Textured Crop + Fringe Swept To The Side
Simple and cool if you are tired of having boring hair all the time!
3.Prohibition High-And-Tight Hair Cut
For guys who wanna make the difference!
4.Short Gents Cut With Long Front + Mustache
5.Short Graduated Gents Cut
Are you sick of looking like a politician in the office after every haircut? Here is a nice summer solution that is going to make your life much easier as well!
6.Tight Silk With Split Gents Cut
A very basic haircut that will never lose its cool with the proper styling product!
7.Stylish Conservative Short Gents Cut
For those whom would like to look serious but at the same time stylish!
8.High Low Fade + Hard Part + Textured Quiff
9.Textured Quiff
Ok, now if you have a crush in the office and you don't know how to catch her attention here is your solution, you can thank us later!
10.Textured Messy Curls + Long Fringe
If you have untanted asian culry hair and you think there is no hope for you, you are terribly wrong and here is a cool proof!
There is more than one way to boost your confedince, go at the gym, have a healthy diet, take deep breaths or if nothing works drop by our fancy place and get a make over that is going to boost your confidence and change your view!
Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our
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Special thanks to the following webpages! ,
KUTT's Hairforecast!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 12. Apr 2016
Shorter hair is synonymous with spring.
We`ve been doing a lot of short hair this past year bu tnow we se some new trends creaping in.
Don`t worry Scinnfade and full beard is still hot.
Some are saving out their top.
A clean outline will make a messy haircut look tidy anyhow...
So get your style on!
//The Chip//
Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our
INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!
All pics are stolen from:
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 11. Apr 2016
The braids are more trendy than ever!
If you're looking for inspiration, you've comed to the right place!!
//Girrrly Sue//
Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our
INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!
Get ready for spring
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 16. Mar 2016
It's getting warmer now, and its time to get the right hairstyle.Get rid of that long winterhair, and get a "Clean Gentleman's Cut "
Get inspired!
*Juicy Lucy* and *Girrly Sue*
Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our
INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 10. Mar 2016
The past weeks ''The Chip'', and Steven have been busy teaching a select few stylists from the Adam & Eva group all the ups, down, do`s and don`t of shaving.
''The Chip'', doing the finishing touches on a lux-shave.
Steven, and the steady hand.
Ida performes shaving with a smile!
Nothing hones you'r skills like teaching it to others
We here at Kutt love shaving, and you`re going to love it as well.
Go here to bok your shave today!
ps: No humans were hurt or injured during the courses of this course... :p
*The Chip*
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INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!
Volume Rose
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 4. Mar 2016
Hey ya'll, we are back at it again with some new product for you guys.
Now this new wonder is for you ladies that have that fine and thin hair that want's some volume in your life. It's a brand new series from the "Oil Wonders" Family from Matrix,
"Oil wonders Volume Rose".
It cointains four products, easy to use, easy to maintain and it's really light on your hair.
Take a look at theese babies !
Lightweight "OIL WONDERS VOLUME ROSE" silicone-free Shampoo for Volume, infused with delicate Rose Hip Oil, primes hair by removing buildup and delicately cleansing each strand, to help provide softness and shine.
provides nourishment to delicate strands.
After OIL WONDERS VOLUME ROSE SHAMPOO, massage onto wet hair.
Fall in love with nourishing volume rose. Up to 78% more volume for fine hair*
*with system of Pre-Shampoo Treatment, Shampoo, Conditioner and Finishing Spray vs. unwashed hair.
A light, non-greasy oil that adds density and volume to fine hair
And for last, the finishing spray to hold it all where you want to have it.
Thats all for now ya'll ;)
// The Kid \\ out! Peace ya'll !
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Fun Facts!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 22. Jan 2016
Here's 9 things you may not know about your hair!
A whole head of hair could support up to two tons of weight! That's the same as almost two Elephants
Hair grows in average 1,2cm in a month, and it grows slightly faster in warm weather.
2 years of your life will be used to wash and style your hair.
The average person looses 60-100 strand of hair every day.
Healty hair, when wet, can stretch to 30% its original lenght.
The rarest haircolor is Red, found only in 1% of the world's population.
13% of the Scottish population have Red hair, the highest proportion of Redheads in the world.
100.000 is the average number of hair on the head.
Gender is one thing that cannot be identified by a hair strand.
*The Sheriff*
Truefitt & Hill
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 11. Jan 2016
Do you know the story of Truefitt & Hill ?
Take a look at our finest Beard Products!
"The story of the Oldest Barbershop in the World, as recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2014, began in fashionable Mayfair in 1805, the year of Nelson's victorious Battle at Cape Trafalgar, while King George III sat on England's throne and William Pitt the Younger served as its Prime Minister. This was the era of fine craftsmanship, innovation and styling which set the scene for a history that is colourful, inventive and pioneering.
Catering to the exacting standards of London's gentry, when vanity and good grooming were the essential mark of the gentleman, Truefitt offered its demanding clientele a new level of service unsurpassed anywhere in the world. From its array of exceptional products through to its legendary barbering services, there developed a heritage and sense of innovation that today marks Truefitt & Hill as the world leader in men's grooming."
// The Kid \\
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David Bowie
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 11. Jan 2016
David Bowie is well-known for not only his music, but his Hairstyles as well!
I've put toghether some of them here:
I Could go on and on forever with pic's of his different hairstyles.
Rest in Peace!
''The Sheriff''
KUTT Fornebu
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Brows speak louder than Words!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 8. Jan 2016
I just simply love this Eyebrow look!!
And this beauties are the perfect examples on how pretty it can look without looking to "boy'ish".
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Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 4. Jan 2016
I've found some Cool Afroes for you to inspire from and Enjoy!
Check out the Full Pintrest board to this Blog HERE!
*The Sheriff*
KUTT Fornebu
Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our
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