Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 10. Mar 2016
The past weeks ''The Chip'', and Steven have been busy teaching a select few stylists from the Adam & Eva group all the ups, down, do`s and don`t of shaving.
''The Chip'', doing the finishing touches on a lux-shave.
Steven, and the steady hand.
Ida performes shaving with a smile!
Nothing hones you'r skills like teaching it to others
We here at Kutt love shaving, and you`re going to love it as well.
Go here to bok your shave today!
ps: No humans were hurt or injured during the courses of this course... :p
*The Chip*
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Truefitt & Hill
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 11. Jan 2016
Do you know the story of Truefitt & Hill ?
Take a look at our finest Beard Products!
"The story of the Oldest Barbershop in the World, as recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2014, began in fashionable Mayfair in 1805, the year of Nelson's victorious Battle at Cape Trafalgar, while King George III sat on England's throne and William Pitt the Younger served as its Prime Minister. This was the era of fine craftsmanship, innovation and styling which set the scene for a history that is colourful, inventive and pioneering.
Catering to the exacting standards of London's gentry, when vanity and good grooming were the essential mark of the gentleman, Truefitt offered its demanding clientele a new level of service unsurpassed anywhere in the world. From its array of exceptional products through to its legendary barbering services, there developed a heritage and sense of innovation that today marks Truefitt & Hill as the world leader in men's grooming."
// The Kid \\
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What to do?
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 4. Des 2015
2015 has definitely been the year of the beard.
Some of you may have grown it to
Epic Proportions!
So... what`s next?
The notion that bigger is better is loosing ground among the bearded men.
2016 will be the year of the styled, and well kept beard.
Here is some inspiration:
The Captain:
Big and rough, but with clean outlines and controled shape.
The Lazyboy:
"I have beard because I can't be botherd with shaving every day."
Bullshitt! You have it becaus it makes you look hot!
The Italian:
Well kept to the point of overkept. It's a ballanzing act.
The Mustasje:
On the right man with the right style it's a safe bet!
Clean shaven:
Had it for a while? Why not get rid of it?
Whatever you chose to do, the Kutt Crew stands ready to groom you to perfection
Our shelves are filled with great products,
so that you can keep up the apperence at home as well.
\\ The Chip \\
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En Garde! ...and shave it off!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 18. Feb 2015
We were shaving faces back at Adam&Eva Skolen, we were asked to introduce the art of shaving, the "how-to" "what-to" and "what-NOT-to" DO's.

My task was to shave this handsome fellar, with the grain, and against the grain.

after some explaining setting up the rig, we ended up with this handsome bloke

Thanks to all the people sitting,listening and observing, had a blast, and can't wait until next time ;D
cheers !
btw: did you know that my model is the guitarist of the famous band Envy ? check out his other project
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Clean Shaven
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 3. Feb 2015
we can now finally offer all our dandy gents (and bearded women)
"the shave they deserve".

The KUTT signature shave comes in two different "shapes"
Hot towel shave treatment.
We`ll take off that hipster beard and reveal your inner gentleman.
A straight up razorshave with hot towles, soap and moisturizer.
Prize 390,-
Weekly subscription: 250,-
Lux-shave treatment
Leaves your face feeling like a Baby's ass. Ofcourse you get the towels.
We`ll then do multiple passes with the razor going across and against the grain
Follow up with the facemassage of a lifetime. Treating your skin to perfection.
Prize 630,-
So what are you waiting for?
Do it like the Gangstas and Gents of old.
Come get your signature Kutt shave today
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