Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 9. Mai 2019

    Ledig stilling frisør

    Vi ser etter positive mennesker som ønsker å jobbe som frisør i et godt arbeidsmiljø, hvor utviklingsmulighetene er store.

    KUTT kan tilby deg konkurransedyktige betingelser i et fremtidsrettet miljø. Vårt solide utdanningssystem sørger for grundig opplæring og kontinuerlig faglig oppdatering av deg som ansatt.

    Hos oss har du muligheten til å jobbe i salong med kunder, på oppdrag i mote og media sammen med våre hårstylister og kurskonsulenter. Eller utvikle deg til å bli instruktør ved frisørskolen til Adam og Eva. 

    Hva kan vi tilby deg:

    • Konkurransedyktige betingelser
    • En unik salong med FAB kollegaer 
    • Kontinuerlig faglig oppdatering igjennom et solid utdanningssystem
    • Utviklingsmuligheter i et av Norges mest innovative frisørkonsern - Adam og Eva Gruppen
    • Personlig oppfølging og veiledning, så du kan nå dine mål sammen med oss
    • Jobbe sammen med våre hårstylister backstage på Oslo Runway og på andre spennende oppdrag innen mote og styling
    • Muligheten til å jobbe på Adam og Eva Skole og Akademi. Her kan du jobbe med bransjens nye talenter eller kurse Norges frisører
    • Proffe samarbeidspartnere som tar miljøansvar
    • Gode karrieremuligheter

    Vi søker deg som:

    • Er sulten på frisørfaget
    • Har svennebrev eller fagbrev
    • Er lærevillig og liker og se muligheter der andre stopper

    Hvordan søke på stillingen som frisør?

    Sende søknad og CV til Tone på:


    Om Adam og Eva Gruppen

    Kutt er en del av Adam og Eva Gruppen. Frisør Gruppen har i 46år (1973) gjort seg bemerket som landets mest innovative. Sammen har Adam og Eva Gruppen vunnet nasjonale og internasjonale priser for frisør drift og kreative arbeider. Hos Adam og Eva Gruppen står faget og frisøren i sentrum, derfor vektlegger vi faglig utvikling og karrieremuligheter.

    Adam og Eva Gruppen As. består av Adam og Eva frisørsalonger, Adam og Eva Skole og Akademi, samt salongene Spaghetti frisør, KUTT og Nalu Nalu.

    Hilsen alle oss på Kutt Fornebu

    Get the Hair of Your Dreams!

    Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 26. Jan 2018

    Have you always wanted longer, thicker hair, or a totally new hairstyle? Hair extentions might be the answer!

    With hair extentions you can get the lenght, volume and density you want. 

    Or what about A beautiful blend of new colors in your hair?

    CHECK OUT OUR SWEET DEAL further down!

    Here's some before and after pic's, of Dream Hair done by

    *DizzyMissLizzy*, and *The Sheriff* 

    Want a GoooodieGOOD deal??? *DizzyMizzLizzy* have a special offer for you gals!

    The 3 persons who contacts her first, gets this deal: 

    Pay for the locs, AND You're getting the job for FREE!

    For all you other gals:

    Pay for the hair + You'r getting 50% off on ''the Job''

    (offer stands 'til the end of February)

    We're using hair extentions from Hairtalk. The good thing  about these extentions is that you can take them out when they have grown out, and move them back into place in short time. You can also use the same hair in up to 5 times (around 5-7 months, depends how good you take care of your hair). We recommend you to move them every 6'st week. Hairtalk delivers 100% natural human hair, that also means...

    Hairextentions requires a little love and care. 

    - Don't wash the hair for 48 hours, after application.

    - A natural brush, is an absolut must, for the tapes to last. Remember to brush your hair in the morning and before bedtime. 

    - When you sleep, you should sleep with a braid. 

    - Do not use conditioner in the roots, keep in  the lenghts. 

    - Use hair products that's recommented by your hairdresser. 

    //DizzyMissLizzzy aka. Pernille//

    Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our 

    INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!

    Life's too short to have boring hair!!

    Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 29. Jul 2017

    Hi everyone!

     I always hear people say that they want to do something different with their hair, and not just the same hairstyle they've had for the last 10 years, but they are to scared to do it!

    Well, I say, why be afraid of changes? Live a little!

    Life is too short to walk around with boring hair!

     If this is something you have thougth about for a long time, DO IT!

    Maybe you would like a new haircut, color, extensions, or highlights. And of course, you can choose more than just one color to make your hair look amazing.

    So here are some inspo pictures on fresh colored hair, cool haircuts, and lovely highlights.

    Image result for balayage with color

    Image result for highlights hair

    Image result for highlights hair

    Image result for bob hairstyles

    Blue-shade Colorful Ombre Indian Remy Clip In Hair Extensions Series C027 [C027] -

    Rose Gold Haarfarbe Ideen

    Baby blonde lob with bangs by Tim Morrison

    Inverted Bob with Ombre-Long bob with Bangs

    Try Balayage For It Is The Hottest New Trend And You Will Love It

    4,973 Likes, 12 Comments - Hair Extensions Color Inspo (@vpfashion) on Instagram: “{#VPInspiration} Hair that is out of this w o r l d by  More hair…”

    Stunning Khloe Kardashian with bob hairstyle. #khloekardashian #bobhairstyle…

    Layered Natural Black Pixie Short Messy Synthetic Hair With Straight Bangs Capless Wigs 6 Inches

    10 Stylish Messy Short Hair Cuts: Attractive Women Short Hairstyles - Love this Hair

    pastel purple hair with lowlights

    100 Trendy Long Hairstyles for Women to Try in 2017 - Long hairstyles give you a whole lot of versatility. There are so many great hairstyles you can try out that will make your overall look pretty, edgy, bohemian, rocker chic, or whatever else you’re going for. #andreasnews  100 Trendy Long Hairstyles for Women to Try in 2017 - Long hairstyles give you a whole lot of versatility. There are so many great hairstyles you can try out that will make your overall look pretty, edgy, bohemian, rocker chic, or whatever else you’re going for. #andreasnews

    I could sit here forever and show you guys so many more pictures that I love, but i think i will stop here. So book an apointment with us and say goodbye to boring hair!!


                                                              // Little Susie \\

     Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our  

                         INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!

    Life hacks!

    Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 14. Jun 2017

    Hey ya'll, its your boy, "The Kid"!

    Today I will show some really nice hacks that will probably help 'u alot, and make your life easier :D So sit down, relax and enjoy these fun facts life hacks.

    ...multi use.


    Actually really usefull.

    ...might actually work.

    For those who dont know how much water you need to drink in a day, here is a nice and easy way to make it.

    This one i'll probelly use, because beer is love :D

    For Nutella and ice cream lovers you might know this from before,but i've never thought about it.

    The list could go on, but i'll end it here.

    Peace out ya'll

    // The Kid \\

    Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our

    INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!


    Summer hair

    Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 3. Mai 2017

    The summer is right around the corner, and everyone wants there hair to be summer fresh! Flowers, braids, beach waves, and volume/texture.

    Here are some tips and inspo-pictures on how to style your hair.

    Image result for summer hair with flowers

    Bilderesultat for summer hair

    Here are some must have products for the summer. It gives you fuller hair, more texture, and helps to set the hairdo.

    Bilderesultat for mess maker

    Bilderesultat for texture games and mess maker matrix

    Image result for texture builder matrix

    Image result for summer hair

    Image result for summer hairstyles flowers

    Image result for summer hairdo

    Image result for messy beach waves hair

    Image result for braids

    Image result for braids

    Image result for flowers braided in hair

    // Little Susie \\

    Did you know you can stay updated on our day-to-day awesomeness (and craziness) on our

    INSTAGRAM or FACEBOOK? What are you waiting for? Go check it out!