Certified Kutt Hairdressers!
Posted by Kutt Frisør Fornebu on 16. Feb 2017
Hey ya'll!
So, me and Eris finally had our internvisning after we passed all the test that were needed, it was a rush from start till the end of the day, and it all lasted for 15 minuttes. Hehe.. So here's some pictures of the finishing part of our show.
The Kid's part of the Show
I focused mostly on gent's, but there's still that one girl awsome enough to join in with the guys!
My theme was ''West side meets East side'', I wanted to show the diffrent in looks between west and east. So enjoy, and I hope you guys can see the difference between East and West!
Everyone together.
All the models lined up.
High fade, with a pomp and a hint of 5 ash for color.
A regeluar machin cut with a design on the side and a beard trim.
A regeluar gents cut with beard trim and finishing lines.
Easygoing braids, with some peach as color.
\\The Kid\\
LuieLuies part of the Show
When it comes to inspiration we get inspired mostly by movies, activities, art and daily life. My theme is inspired from my favorite super hero, Batman's world.
Gotham and it's main villains!
This guys hair are inspired from the riddler. I colored his hair with a coper-natural permanant hair color and gave him a faded haircut with a long playful top.
Next is Poison Ivy inspired look, with a very bright red semy colored hair and soft curls.
Here is TwoFace the most awsome guy of the show, I bleached half part of his head to death;), and colored it black the other half.
Here's my version of Harley Quinn, to make this outcome I had to bleach her hair then use a very light cold mini color over all, color one side pink and the other purple(witch I think its cooler than the original blue) with mini colors and finaly devide and braid her hair instead of simple pigtails.
Bleached his hair 1st., and then colored it with a permanant green color also cut it a short laid back cut.
Here are a few back stage pictures before the show!
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